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|Asia & Middle East

Ametalent, global brand HumanresourcesGroup dedicated to consulting, executive recruitment and education

Who are we ?

Our mission

Meet the needs of qualified students, organizations' executive skills, in multiple ways: recruitment, education, provision of resources, outsourcing…

Our conviction

The detection of potential and motivation of candidates are the keys to successful recruitment. We attach great importance to evaluation.

Our ambition

Support the transformation of the executive resources market to meet the business challenges of tomorrow.

About us

As the world is growing smaller and smaller due to the modern ways of communications, more people understand the advantages of working abroad just like more students understand the benefits of studying abroad: you get to travel internationally while making a resume or earning academic credit; you step out of your comfort zone to experience a new culture and probably learn a new language, a new field of work; you make lifelong friends across the globe; and you can discover new interests and career opportunities. Businesses, organizations and companies are realizing the need to hire university graduates and people with international experience.

Ametalent optimizes matchmaking and the provision of relevant information for job seekers. Ametalent offers the most comprehensive high-quality relocation experience world-wide. We make moving abroad a smooth experience We can’t wait to help with your move. Choose Ametalent! and we’ll make the first steps towards your new life smart, seamless and stress-free.